Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Regime builds giant wall to seal off Baba Amr

Regime builds giant wall to seal off Baba Amr
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Avaaz has obtained photos and information today revealing a massive concrete wall has been built around the entire boundary of the formerly restive district of Baba Amr, sealing it off from the rest of the city. Troop reinforcements also arrived in the neighbourhood today, signalling an attempt to retain full regime control of Baba Amr following heavy bombardement and eventual capture of the opposition stronghold earlier this year. One resident told Avaaz: “The army surrounded the neighbourhood of Baba Amr with this fence and there are only three entrances left, which are only used by large numbers of regime troops who have entered the neighbourhood today.”
Another resident, ‘Abdul’ told Avaaz: “We don’t know why they have built the wall. It feels like we are living in Palestine.”
Today most of Homs experienced relative peace and quiet during the UN observers’ visit around the city. One citizen journalist, Mohamed, told Avaaz: “The people asked for help from the observers and asked for the withdrawal of the army and the tanks from the city.”However brief clashes between the army and the FSA were reported today in the neighbourhoods of Alaqrabees and Jouret Shiyah after regime forces tried for a second day to penetrate the restive area of the city.

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