Saturday, April 28, 2012

Turkish deputy premier rejects arming opposition in Syria

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan gave a conference Friday at Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Boston.      
Babacan made a speech on Turkey's foreign policy and the situation in the region as well as touching on latest developments economy in Turkey and the world. Babacan said that none of the countries should aim to arm the opposition in Syria.      
Turkey does not have such an aim, added Babacan who spoke at a conference in Boston on Friday.      
Turkey fully supports political efforts and is against an external intervention in Syria, said Babacan.      
An opposition should only be shaped as a political effort in Syria, said Babacan, adding that a legitimate opposition would be important as it would present an alternative to the existing regime.      
Noting that Annan plan opened a a window of opportunity, Babacan said that the plan should immediately be implemented, and international community should support the plan.      
Also, the plan should include a timetable and a deadline, said Babacan, expressing pleasure over the support of Syrian opposition to the plan.      
Babacan also said that Turkey would not attend the meetings which would be chaired by Greek Cypriot administration in the EU.      
As Turkey does not recognize Greek Cypriot administration as a country, it will not attend the political meetings which will be chaired by the administration in the EU, said Babacan who spoke at a conference in Boston on Friday.      
Greek Cypriot administration will undertake the rotating presidency of the EU in the second half of 2012.      
However, we will pursue our cooperation with the EU institutions on technical level, Babacan said.      

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