Tuesday, May 15, 2012

As Obama OKs Weapons to Bahrain, Neurosurgeon Tortured by Regime Faces Trial For Treating Protesters

Democracy Now!

"Human rights organizations are criticizing the Obama administration’s decision to resume military sales to Bahrain despite the ruling monarchy’s ongoing repression of pro-democracy protests. The State Department has said it will allow a multi-million dollar weapons shipment to the Bahraini government, citing "national security interests." The announcement came just days after the Bahraini government vowed "tougher action" in its crackdown on protesters. We’re joined by Dr. Nabeel Hameed, who is one of Bahrain’s only neurosurgeons and among dozens of Bahraini physicians and nurses who’ve been arrested and tried for treating anti-government protesters. After a three-month prison stint that he says included abuse and torture, Dr. Hameed is expected to be tried by a Bahraini court soon after he returns home. "There is a deafening silence from world governments about [Bahrain]," he says. "There is a situation which is really getting worse and worse. If you don’t really stop it here, it may get really, really bad in the future. You don’t have to wait until the violence [gets] out of control."..."

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