Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bahrain: The stories that aren't being covered

Bahraini human rights activists and commentators come together to discuss issues that aren't getting covered.


"Nabeel Rajab - arrested on May 5 by Bahraini authorities - is one of Bahrain's most well-known human rights activists and president of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights. Mohammed is a pseudonym for an activist. Abdulhadi Khalaf is a professor of sociology at Lund University and Ala'a Shehabi is a political activist and commentator based in Manama. These interviews were conducted by Al Jazeera via email, skype and in person.....

What is the story that's not being covered?....

What about the larger political context in the wake of the F1 race?....

Are Sunni Bahrainis becoming more involved in the protests?.....

Why haven't they become more active yet?.....

But at one point, will the Sunni join the revolution?......

What's the US and broader Western role at this point in the internal Bahraini dynamic?.....

What about the youth? They've been central to the protests - and now the resistance - from the start. How is their role changing?.....

Who is the biggest influence on the protest movement more broadly now?......

Are there difference capacities that the protesters are acquiring, and what role is the diaspora playing in this development?....."

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