Sunday, May 20, 2012

EU calls on Egypt to lift “emergency” state before elections

Bikya Masr

"CAIRO: The European Union called on Egypt to ensure the transfer of all powers to a civil administration, and the full lifting of the state of emergency before the presidential elections, calling for the need to “draft a comprehensive democratic constitution that enshrines respect for human rights.”

The EU called, in a report issued by the European Commission in Cairo, to stop the trial of civilians before military courts, as well as create favorable conditions for the operation of vibrant and independent non-governmental organizations and the adoption of legislation “regulating the work of NGOs, in line with international standards.”

It called in its report, which assesses the performance of Egypt in the field of human rights in 2011, the need to “preserve religious freedom, minority rights and outlining and implementation of economic reform program that ensures macroeconomic stability and strengthen management of public financial resources, in order to open the door to international financial aid, including financial aid granted by the EU.”

The EU also called on Egypt to sign and ratify the Regional Convention for the Euro-Med rules of origin.

The report said: “the continuing political and economic uncertainty led to little progress towards structural reform, and Egypt had been subjected to profound change and political and economic challenges in 2011, and a revolution ousted an authoritarian regime and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces took over presidential, legislative, and executive powers in the country as a transitional measure to meet the people’s legitimate demands for political freedom and respect for human rights and improve the social and economic conditions.”

The report criticized the performance of the military with regard to its respect of human rights, where it said: “the administration of the SCAF to the state of Egypt during the transitional period did not meet the needs of Egyptians with regards to respect for fundamental human rights and democratic standards, where police and military personnel [have been] accused of using excessive force during demonstrations, as well as arresting thousands of activists arbitrarily and using military courts to prosecute activists, bloggers, and continued to torture and [use] degrading treatment in detention centers and prisons.”"

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