Monday, May 7, 2012

François Hollande will strike fear into the hearts of the rich

He has admitted that he 'does not like the rich' and declared: 'my real enemy is the world of finance'

By Nabila Ramdani
The Independent

".....Mr Hollande's commitment to equality is evident in his promise to introduce parity between men and women in his cabinet, and create a ministry of women's rights. Efforts will also be made to promote equal pay between the sexes. He will bring under-represented minorities into government, and work to make the Republic more egalitarian.

Managing France is a near-impossible task at the best of times, and the current warnings of economic chaos and social disorder are no worse than those levelled at Mr Sarkozy five years ago.

François Hollande is going to have an extremely rough time, but he should not be written off as easily as some would like."


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    We know the french socialists. The'll do the same policy as Sarjozy but with a soft tone. And they are as, or even more, zionists thant he tright parties.

  2. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Like the new look of your blog, Tony. What happened to Molly and your other posters?

  3. Tony Sayegh1:19 PM

    Thanks Anonymous. Zarathustra still posts (occasionally), but Molly and TGIA have not been active.
