Sunday, May 13, 2012

Free Front for Peaceful Change declares support for Hamdeen Sabahi

Bikya Masr

"CAIRO: The Free Front for Peaceful Change declared on Saturday its support for presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahi, saying that its decision comes after what the Movement saw in his electoral program as an emphasis on the civil state, and that his slogans “are in line with the goals of the January 25 revolution, freedom and social justice.”

The Front explained in a statement issued on Saturday that this decision came after a poll published on its website, and after a meeting of the Political Bureau accompanied by a decision of the Executive Bureau of the Front in all governorates, noting that the “main features of the electoral program of the candidate, the political democracy, social justice, the national independence of Egypt, are consistent with the rules of the front and vision towards building the foundations of a democratic and modern civil State in Egypt.”

It continued to say that they are supporting Sabahi due to “the approach of Sabahi towards the ordinary Egyptian citizen, and his support of two segments of the society, such as workers and peasants, the poorest in Egypt.”

The Front called on Egyptians to stand together “to support Hamdeen Sabahi.”

The group stressed the need to put this support into the framework of neutrality as “it is not in favor of any ideology, but rather supports the candidate in the presidential election in the face of other competent candidates only.”

The statement pointed out that this position was based on the history of Sabahi, “who stood and struggled against the former regime, and his positions towards the Egyptian revolution, where he was in the forefront of the protests in Tahrir Square,” noting that he supports the “preservation of democracy and its core values ​​within the framework of a modern civil state.”"

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