Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Israel's back-room deal strengthens an authoritarian trend

By Jonathan Cook

"......What does all this mean for Iran and Palestinians?

Regarding the former, several commentators and some of his own ministers have argued that Mr Netanyahu now has a free hand to attack Iran and destroy its alleged nuclear-weapons programme.

More likely, the expanded coalition will make little difference to Israeli calculations over Iran. Mr Mofaz, like most of the security establishment, opposes an attack. But Mr Netanyahu will doubtless exploit his strengthened position to increase the rhetoric against Tehran and add to the pressure for action from the US and Europe.

For Palestinians, it can mean only more of the same. Mr Mofaz, who tried to distinguish himself by proposing a miserly peace plan that would see Palestinians holed up in a series of enclaves, lacks the political weight to deflect Mr Netanyahu from his even more intransigent approach.

But at least for Mr Netanyahu, the Kadima leader will cut a more presentable figure in Washington than Mr Lieberman as an advocate for Israel's hard line.

The Israeli prime minister's claim yesterday that he was about to unveil a "responsible peace process" should be taken no more seriously than his professed commitment, abandoned the same day, to submit his government to the judgement of the Israeli electorate."

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