Wednesday, May 16, 2012

'Jewish democracy' founded on ugly battles

Israel has a Jewish majority today because of the expulsions and denationalisation of most Palestinians living there.

By Ben White

"Cambridge, United Kingdom - Among the many good reasons for marking the anniversary of the Nakba are two which speak to the intensifying debate about Israel's "democratic values": firstly, the fact that the Nakba is ongoing, in the daily acts of piecemeal ethnic cleansing from the Jordan Valley to the Negev, and secondly, the way in which the historical facts of "transfer" undermine the mythology of Israel as a supposed "Jewish and democratic" state.

Both of these points cause significant problems for liberal Zionists, those self-identifying progressive supporters of Israel whose views have come to the fore in discussions about Israel's future, as well as in efforts to counter Palestinian solidarity efforts and initiatives such as the BDS campaign......

With the Nakba in clear view, current attempts to reconcile both "Jewish and democratic" components of Israel's identity can be seen for what they are: a grand exercise in missing the point. The only reason why there is a Jewish majority in Israel today is because of the expulsions and denationalisation of most Palestinians who would have become citizens in the new state. What unites liberal and conservative Zionists in rejecting the Palestinians' right of return is the ugly demographic "battle" that is the foundation of the "Jewish and democratic" state."

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