Thursday, May 31, 2012

Out of Jail, Bahraini Activists Nabeel Rajab and Zainab Alkhawaja Urge End to U.S.-Backed Crackdown

Democracy Now!


"We go to Bahrain to speak with two recently released political prisoners, Zainab Alkhawaja and Nabeel Rajab, both jailed for protesting the U.S.-backed monarchy. Rajab, the president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, was released on bail after being held for nearly a month. "We always thought that America and Bahrain’s good relations would benefit our fight for freedom and democracy in our region, but it has turned out to be opposite," he says. "They are supporting a dictator here, the oppressive regime... We have to suffer for being a rich region." Alkhawaja, who was jailed in April after protesting the detention of her father, Abdulhadi, vows: "We are going to carry on protesting ... It doesn’t matter if we get arrested five, six, 10 times, it’s not going to stop. In the end, we have sacrificed a lot for democracy and freedom."....."

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