Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Slamming the door to justice on Palestinians

Israel's ability to commit crimes against Palestinians with impunity relies on international complicity.

By Ali Abunimah

What can Palestinians do?

Given how determined the United States and its clients are to block all official channels for redress and justice for Palestinians, it is clear that Palestinians and those who support their rights must intensify their efforts by other means.

This would include mass mobilisation, the option of resistance through all legitimate means and building international solidarity especially through the campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) on Israel.

Right now the battle is being waged by more than 1,500 Palestinian political prisoners on hunger strike, subjected to a cruel system of prolonged detention without charge or trial, or conviction by Israeli military kangaroo courts, and to inhumane and illegal conditions of imprisonment.

The most urgent cases are of ten hunger strikers, who are gravely ill and close to death, and who are still being denied family visits and access to independent doctors and lawyers.

The Susan Rices and William Hagues of the world are not only silent about these crimes, but fully complicit in them.Former prisoners and hunger strikers have said that even the smallest demonstration, the smallest acts of solidarity anywhere in the world - which those still in Israel's jails might hear about on smuggled radios - make an enormous difference to their morale.So we must not sit by in despair; it remains up to all of us to put as much pressure on Israel and its accomplices as citizens can."

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