Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Syria opposition demands release of abducted Lebanese Shia pilgrims

Syrian National Council condemns kidnapping of 13 Shia Muslims near Aleppo on their way home to Lebanon from Iran, Wednesday 23 May 2012

"Syria's political opposition in exile, the Syrian National Council, has called on rebels in Syria to help secure the release of 13 Lebanese Shia pilgrims abducted near the northern city of Aleppo.

The 13 were among dozens of Shia pilgrims on a bus stopped by armed rebels as it crossed the border from Turkey to Syria on Tuesday on the way back from Iran, families of the abducted men said.

The abduction took place two days after fighting in the Lebanese capital between supporters of the 14-month-old Syrian revolt and those loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, a spillover of Syria's unrest.

"The Syrian National Council condemns any kidnappings, assault or terrorising of our Lebanese brothers and demands their immediate release," an SNC statement said.

"The council calls on the officers of the Free Syrian Army … who rebelled against the repression and criminality of the regime, to do everything they can to free the Lebanese brothers," the statement said........."

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