Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Third intifada is the only alternative left for Palestinians

They have tried everything to reclaim their dignity. A spark is all that's needed now

By Abdel Bari Atwan, Special to Gulf News

"......On this 64th anniversary of the original catastrophe, Abbas should dissolve the PNA and resign. This would be the best martyrdom effort against Israel and would involve no bloodshed.

Palestinians have tried everything to reclaim their land and dignity: guerrilla warfare, decades of fruitless peace talks, human bombs, and now a mass hunger strike by 1,600 prisoners… but to date it has all been in vain, America and other world powers continue to support Israel unconditionally.

I believe the third intifada is on its way. There is no alternative. It is only awaiting a spark. Just as Tunisia’s Bouazzizi was the spark that ignited the Arab revolutions, if one of the heroes of the hunger strikes dies the Occupied Territories will erupt and maybe this time, the blood of the martyrs will not be shed in vain. "

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