Sunday, June 3, 2012

Al-Jazeera Video: Inside Syria - When will Russia change its stance on Syria?

"A number of Western nations have expelled Syrian diplomats from their countries, after the killings in the town of Houla, that shocked the world. And Russia has also come under growing pressure over to get behind the calls to remove Bashar-al-Assad from power.

As violence continued in Syria, International peace envoy Kofi Annan warned that the country was slipping into "all-out" war, saying that the crisis has reached a turning point."


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    There is an answer to that question and the answer is: Never!

    The Houla massacre has Al-Qaida fingerprints all over as israel and USA is in desperate need of an excuse to invade, why would Assad kill his own supporters? Slitting throat's is exactly what your "democratic" kingdoms around Saudi Arabia does. Assad & Syria needs peace and stability,USA and their mercenaries don´t. Russia, China and the BRICS represents the sane world and we are NOT going to have another Yugoslavia or Libya in Syria!

  2. Tony Sayegh2:23 PM

    "....we are NOT going to have another Yugoslavia or Libya in Syria!"

    No sir! The Butcher of Damascus deserves nothing less than Rwanda.
