Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Egypt decree grants arrest powers to military

New decree allows army to arrest civilians for a number of crimes, raising concerns it replaces lapsed emergency law.


"Egypt's justice ministry has issued a decree allowing military police and intelligence officers to arrest civilians suspected of crimes, restoring some of the powers of the decades-old emergency law which expired just two weeks ago.

The decree applies to a range of offences, including those deemed "harmful to the government," destruction of property, "obstructing traffic," and "resisting orders."

Several of those provisions would allow the military to detain peaceful protesters. Rallies in Tahrir Square routinely disrupt traffic, for example.

The controversial order was drafted earlier this month, but was not announced until Wednesday.

It will remain in effect at least until a new constitution is drafted, according to the ministry......"


  1. Tony and Zara, don't let the perfect get in the way of the good.

    Egypt is better than it was, though not good enough.

    What other alternative is there than what is now happening. Generally free elections and international pressure to ensure that future elections are free and fair.

    A question for both of you and everyone else.

    What are your thoughts on the muslim brotherhood and salafists? I am trying to keep an open mind with the brotherhood and hoping they outperform expectations. The salafists, however, I don't like at all. How could one in four Egyptians vote for them against the Muslim Brootherhood?

    What possible explanation is there?

  2. Tony Sayegh2:48 PM

    "....What possible explanation is there?"

    Two explanations:

    1) Relatively high illiteracy rate in the countryside.

    2) Saudi money given to the Salafis to buy voters.
