Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Is Syria in a Civil War? Journalist Patrick Seale Debates Activist Rafif Jouejati on a Just Response

Democracy Now!

"Has a full-blown civil war broken out in Syria? HervĂ© Ladsous, the UN under-secretary general for peacekeeping operations, became the first senior UN official to make the assertion on Tuesday amid worsening violence across the country. The U.S. meanwhile is accusing Russia of arming the Syrian military while Saudi Arabia and Qatar are sending anti-tank missiles to the Syrian opposition through Turkey with the Obama administration’s backing. We host a debate between Syrian opposition activist Rafif Jouejati and longtime Middle East journalist Patrick Seale...."


  1. Zara and Tony, I heard part of the debate. Did you listen to it? If so, could you please share part of your thoughts?

    Big picture on Syria, I am depressed that Russia is backing Assad so much. Why is Russia doing this? Any possible justification?

  2. If I were the Syrian freedom movement and free Syrian Army, I would send a delegation to Russia ASAP to negotiate a deal with Russia.

    I would make Putin the following offer:

    Russia gets to keep their bases inside Syria for at least 10 years, provided the Russians pay "reasonable rent." Any decision to remove the Russian bases after that can only be made by national referendum. And even then the referendum will only come into affect 10 years from now. The only exception will be if the Russians refuse to pay "reasonable rent" as defined by Syrian law and the Syrian judicial system.

    Syria can also offer limited help to Russia in fighting Takfiris in Chechnya and other places.

    Syria can further offer a free trade free investment agreement with Russia

    Syria can offer to vote with Russia on some international bodies such as the UN provided the Russian request is reasonable.

    Informally the Syrian freedom struggle can also offer procurement of Russian weapons post liberation.

    Zara and Tony, would you support this? Could you elaborate on where you disagree? In my view this might be part of the price Syrians have to pay for their freedom.

    BTW, I am not a Russian apologist. Merely suggesting what I think is in the interests of the Syrian people.
