Monday, June 11, 2012

UN observers confirm Syria aerial attacks

Monitors and joint envoy Annan cite increasing use of helicopter gunships, mortars and tanks against opposition areas


"United Nations monitors have said Syrian helicopters fired on rebel strongholds north of Homs and that many women and children are trapped in the city.

The observers called on Monday for "immediate and unfettered access" to the conflict zones, while in Haffeh, a mainly Sunni town near the Mediterranean coast, the US State Department said it feared a "potential massacre".

It was the first time the UN has verified repeated allegations by activists that Assad's forces have fired from helicopters in the military crackdown on rebels.

"UN observers reported heavy fighting in Rastan and Talbiseh, north of [Homs], with artillery and mortar shelling, as well as firing from helicopters, machine guns and smaller arms," UN spokeswoman Sausan Ghosheh said in a statement......"


  1. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Tony, Are you saying the activists who oppose Assad are not Zionists?

  2. Tony and Zara, do you support Turkey, Arab League, OIC and NATO providing money, equipment, trainers, advisors and other combat enablers to the free Syrian army and other Syrian freedom movements?

    It looks like the Turks and Arabs are already doing a lot. Turkey is trying to train the Free Syria movement in Southern Turkey. Do you support this?

    To date Europe and America have been reluctant to support the Free Syrian Army, Turkey and the Arab League all the way. Do you support that position?

  3. Tony Sayegh3:47 AM

    I support all efforts to help the Syrian people overthrow this murderous regime and to bring its leaders to trial for the heinous crimes against humanity they have committed and are still committing.

  4. I second what Tony said.
