Sunday, June 3, 2012

Verdict Revives Egyptian Anger

By Mel Frykberg

"CAIRO, Jun 3, 2012 (IPS) - If the life sentences for former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and one of his key allies were meant to placate Egyptians, they have had the opposite effect.

Shortly after the verdict, tens of thousands of Egyptians from across the politcal spectrum, with perhaps the exception of die-hard Mubarak supporters and supporters of presidential candidate and former Mubarak cabinet member Ahmed Shafik, filled the streets of Egyptian cities to voice their anger at the verdicts....

"We know the former regime will not give up without a bloody fight and we expect more bloodshed in the future. We now are prepared for this because we know our freedom will not come easily," El-Halaby told IPS.

The explosive situation in the street and anger of the protestors is expected to escalate when an appeal by Mubarak and Al-Adly’s lawyers against their life sentences is filed. Many Egyptians, including lawyers for those killed in Tahrir last year as well as Mubarak and Adly’s lawyers believe the appeal will be successful.

But despite events signalling that Egypt’s revolution is far from over, Egyptians haven’t lost their sense of humour. A current joke circulating in Tahrir Square is that Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad would happily give up power if he could be tried in an Egyptian court. "

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