Thursday, July 5, 2012

After polonium revelation, Israel’s PR hacks revive lies that Arafat was gay and died of AIDS

By Ali Abunimah

"While Israel markets itself as the most gay-friendly country in the world, its PR hacks are busy reviving homophobic rumors that Arafat was a gay “sexual deviant” who died of AIDS due to his promiscuity.

On Tuesday, Aljazeera broke a bombshell story that the clothes Arafat wore as he died of a sudden and mysterious illness in 2004, contained strong traces of the lethal radioactive element polonium, raising the possibility that he may have been poisoned.....

Genealogy of a lie: Arafat “died of AIDS”.......

Fabrications as source of Arafat rumor......

Arafat did not have HIV and did not die of AIDS.....

Zionists continue to spread the lie......

Using homophobia to “shame” Arafat and Arabs.....

The lurid stories and lies about Arafat’s sexual relationships aim to provoke homphobic reactions and marshal this homophobia to produce hostility and revulsion at Arafat, and to deligitmize him in the eyes of an Arab audience that is presumed to always be disgusted by such behavior.
These Israeli reactions belie Israel’s “pink” marketing and expose the homphobia that exists at the heart of so much of its propaganda."

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