Monday, July 16, 2012

Bashar al-Assad could face prosecution as Red Cross rules Syria is in civil war

Declaration signals that Geneva-based organisation regards all civilians and detainees as protected under international law

Martin Chulov in Beirut andJulian Borger, Sunday 15 July 2012

"The International Committee of the Red Cross says Syria is now in a state of civil war, a definition it suggests could change the rules of engagement in the violence-ravaged country and help lay the ground for war crimes prosecutions.....

The ICRC ruling marks a significant moment in the Syrian uprising, which during the past year has changed from a series of anti-regime protests into a full-blown insurrection. It had previously said that localised states of civil war existed in Homs, Hama and Idlib. The ICRC is considered to be a guardian of the Geneva convention, which prescribes the rules of warfare. The declaration signals that the Geneva-based organisation regards all civilians and detainees as protected under international law....."

1 comment:

  1. joe anon 19:07 AM

    civil war?

    netanyahoo, obama/clinton, poodle gulf states, terrorists vs the state of syria.

    get serious
