Sunday, July 22, 2012

Gas pipeline in Sinai bombed for 15th time since revolution started

Al-Masry Al-Youm

"The pipeline transporting Egyptian natural gas to Israel has been bombed for the 15th time since the January uprising last year, according to North Sinai Governorate sources.

The explosion, which took place in the Taweel area, 10 km east of Arish city, would appear to confirm that gas exports to Israel have restarted [With the blessing of President Morsy!].

The source referred to information about the resumption of gas exports to Israel four days ago.

However, Mohamed Ayyoub, head of the Gasco Company in Arish, denied that exports had restarted, saying the gas inside the pipeline was left from before Egypt had announced it was halting gas exports. According to sources, the company continues to pump gas to keep the equipment efficient but does not pump the gas to Israel [Liars!].

The blast apparently took place in a depopulated area and was caused by improvised explosive devices. No casualties were reported....."

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