Thursday, August 23, 2012

Egypt must uphold freedom of expression and halt prosecution of journalist

"The prosecution of an editor for publishing criticism of Egypt’s President and the Muslim Brotherhood should be halted and freedom of expression protected, Amnesty International said.

Al-Dostor editor Islam Afifi is set to stand trial on Thursday before the Giza Criminal Court in Cairo, reportedly on charges of publishing “false information” insulting to Egypt’s President Morsi.

Both the authorities and the Muslim Brotherhood must accept public criticism of their positions and actions without trying to hide behind Mubarak-era laws criminalizing the exercise of the right to freedom of expression,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Amnesty International's Deputy Middle East and North Africa Director.

“Egypt should uphold its international obligations and ensure people are not subject to criminal prosecution for peaceful criticism, even if what they say is perceived to be offensive.”....."

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