Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Is Israel fixing the intelligence to justify an attack on Iran?

Netanyahu's rhetoric has eerie echoes of the run-up to the Iraq war

By Ray McGovern

"Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's strong pro-Israel statements over the weekend, including his endorsement of Jerusalem as Israel's capital (a reversal of long-standing U.S. policy), increases the pressure on President Barack Obama to prove that he is an equally strong backer of Israel.

The key question is whether Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak will interpret the presidential campaign rhetoric as an open invitation to provoke hostilities with Iran, in the expectation that President Obama will feel forced to jump in with both feet in support of our "ally" Israel.....

The likelihood of hostilities with Iran before the presidential election in November is increasing. Beware of "fixed" intelligence."


  1. Vielen Dank .. Und ich hoffe, Sie Mved Entwicklung und Schreiben von verschiedenen Themen :)

  2. Romney has a good shot at beating Obama. If the American economy stays bad, he could win. So his words about Israel and Iran should be taken very seriously.
