Thursday, August 2, 2012

Syria violence leaves 50 more dead in Hama

Further 20 killed as Assad's security forces fire mortar rounds at Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, Thursday 2 August 2012

".....Meanwhile, at least 20 people were killed on Thursday when Syrian security forces fired three mortar rounds at a Palestinian camp in Damascus, medical sources said. Witnesses in the camp told Reuters by telephone that the mortars hit a busy street as people were preparing a Ramadan meal to end their fast.

"I saw it all. I was going to my house when the first round hit the street. People ran to check the damage when the second one hit the same area," a resident said. "Many people were killed immediately."

Doctors at three nearby hospitals said at least 20 people were killed and 65 wounded. Yarmouk camp is the largest Palestinian refugee community and is home to more than 100,000 people.

It was not immediately clear what prompted the shelling, but activists and opposition sources said there were heavy clashes between government forces and rebels in the nearby Tadamoun district when the shelling occurred......"

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