Sunday, August 5, 2012

Under army fire, Syrian family prays soldier son will defect

ALEPPO, Syria Sun Aug 5, 2012

"(Reuters) - When Syrian forces fired machineguns and rockets on her neighborhood, Um Mohammed prayed for her son - a soldier in the army she fears may kill her.

It was a shock to see the Syrian revolt turn her city of Aleppo into a war zone, she says, but the psychological torment is worse. Every day she faces the reality that her 20-year-old son is part of the army she hopes the rebels will defeat.

"When he calls I tell him: 'I love you. Please run away. Let yourself be shot before you shoot your own people'," she says.

Um Mohamed declines to give her son's name or her family's last name, fearing for her son's safety....."

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