Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dozens reported dead in Syria air attack

At least 54 killed in air raid on fuel station in country's north, while army shells Yarmouk camp housing Palestinians.

"At least 54 people have been killed when a jet fighter blew up a fuel station amid heavy fighting between government and rebel forces in northern Syria, a British-based monitoring group has said.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which has a network of activists across Syria reporting on government violence during the 18-month-old revolt, cited an activist in al-Riqqa province as saying on Thursday.

"The petrol station is the only one that is still open to customers in the area, and it was packed," a media activist who identified himself as Abu Muawiya told the AFP news agency via Skype.
"It was hit by a fighter jet. The only reason why it would strike the petrol station with a jet is to kill the highest number of people possible," he said.

A video published by activists, said to be from al-Riqqa, showed black clouds of smoke rising from the wreckage of the petrol station as residents examined the scene after the attack by an air force jet......"

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