Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Guardian Videos

Syrian child refugee Hassan: 'The mosque was full of bodies' - video

"Hassan is 14 years old and lives with his family in Za'atari refugee camp in Jordan. Here he describes being at a funeral when his town in Syria was attacked by Bashar al-Assad's forces. Hassan says he saw tens of dead bodies. In an interview with Save the Children, he says: 'Pieces of flesh were piled upon each other'"

Syrian child refugee Bisan: 'It was a massacre' - video

"Bisan, 12, is a Syrian refugee living with her family in a refugee camp in Jordan. She has taken on responsibility of looking after her younger siblings. In an interview with Save the Children, Bisan describes witnessing an attack on a shelter close to her home: 'A plane struck a shelter where we live. All the people inside were killed'"

Syrian refugee Omar: 'I was sleeping when the shell fell' - video

"Omar, 11, lives with his family in a refugee camp in the desert of northern Jordan. In an interview with Save the Children, he describes being bombarded by the Syrian army as he sheltered with his family. Omar says the attack continued for three days until he and his family were forced to leave their village"

Syrian refugee Ali: 'Whenever I hear a shelling, I get scared and cry' - video

"Ali, eight, is one of many children living in a refugee camp in the desert of northern Jordan. More than 65% of camp inhabitants are children. In an interview with Save the Children, Ali describes how his family were caught up in the conflict, and how he is haunted by the loss of his aunt and cousins"

Nur's story: 'They shoot us in Syria. Here, they do not' - video

"Nine-year-old Nur describes how she fled to Jordan with her family to escape the violence in Syria. In an interview with Save the Children, Nur says: 'At the beginning tanks were coming to our neighbourhood. Artillary rockets and tanks, all sorts of weapons.' She says there was nothing left of her home town"

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