Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Oman: Convictions continue to crush free speech

11 September 2012

"A string of recent court rulings in the Omani capital Muscat are crushing free speech in the Gulf state, Amnesty International said today after another six men were convicted on defamation charges.

On 9 August, the six received prison sentences of between one year and 18 months and were fined 1,000 Omani rials each (around US$2,600) for offences including insulting the Sultan, undermining the status of the state, and using the internet to publish defamatory materials.

“If these prison sentences are carried out, Amnesty International will consider these six men to be prisoners of conscience and call for their immediate and unconditional release,” said Philip Luther, Middle East and North Africa Programme Director at Amnesty International....."

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