Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Partners in Crime: Israel/Palestinian Authority: Charge or Free Palestinian Detainees

"(Jerusalem, September 19, 2012) – Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) should immediately charge or release men they are detaining arbitrarily and investigate alleged abuses against them in custody, Human Rights Watch said today.

At least three men on hunger strike to protest their detention by Israel are at risk of death, while another man detained by the PA refused all food and water for almost three days last week and stated at a court hearing yesterday that he would immediately resume his total strike until death, after a judge ordered his detention to be renewed.

Israel and the Palestinian Authority are violating international law when they throw Palestinians in jail for months or years without charge or trial,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “Foreign donors supporting Israeli and Palestinian security services should press for an end to longstanding practices that detainees are risking their lives to protest.”....."

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