Sunday, September 23, 2012

Syrian president's sister 'now in Dubai'

The Daily Star
A Lovely Family Portrait of Butchers....

"Embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad's only sister, Bushra, whose husband was killed in a July bombing, is now living in Dubai with her children, Syrian residents told AFP Sunday.

Bushra's husband General Assef Shawkat, an army deputy chief of staff, was killed along with three other high-ranking officials in a July 18 bombing at the National Security headquarters in Damascus.......

Ayman Abdel Nour, editor-in-chief of opposition news website, told AFP that Bushra, who did not hold any position in the Syrian regime, left after "differences" with her brother whose troops are locked in a deadly conflict with rebels.

Bashar has "accused her of being closer to the opposition because she did not entirely agree with his policies," Abdel Nour said.

In 2008, Bushra also left Syria following what sources said were "disagreements" with her brother, staying for one year with her children in the United Arab Emirates capital Abu Dhabi.

With Bushra's departure, Assad now has only his brother Maher, who commands the notorious Fourth Brigade, in the country. Their other two brothers, Bassel and Majd, are dead......"

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Now we are just waiting for ONE more defection:
