Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thoughts on "Plan B" for Syria

By Maysaloon

".....This is the key fallacy at the heart of any argument made by supporters of Assad when they cite issues of state sovereignty. Fundamentally there is no state in such countries. A state in the modern sense must be operate under the rule of law and not be that law, in effect such countries are under the rule of state and not the rule of law. This is not to say that Western countries are paragons of such state models, but only a fool would morally equate the behavior of such governments with the actions of a country like Syria, Saddam or Maliki's Iraq, or Iran. When people express their outrage at the West, you will usually find that the source of much of their anger is the foreign policy of such countries, and not the domestic politics. Yet for those who claim to be anti-imperialists, we find the reverse. It is the foreign policy of countries such as Iran and Syria which is the basis of their support, but strangely there is very little concern with domestic politics and freedom of expression. Ironically the loudest and most outspoken of these anti-imperialists also live in the West. So what should one make of this? A paradox emerges that cannot be ignored, and it fundamentally undermines even the most eloquent arguments in support of Assad's regime......"

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