Monday, September 10, 2012

US love affair with Israel masks a real history of mistrust

By Jonathan Cook
The National
Sep 10, 2012

"It is possibly the greatest of American political myths, repeated ad nauseam by presidential candidates in their election campaigns. President Barack Obama has claimed that the United States enjoys a special bond with Israel unlike its relations with any other country. He has called the friendship "unshakeable", "enduring" and "unique", "anchored by our common interests and deeply held values".

His Republican rival, Mitt Romney, has gone further, arguing that there is not "an inch of difference between ourselves and our ally Israel". A recent Romney election ad, highlighting his summer visit to Israel, extolled the "deep and cherished relationship".

But, while such pronouncements form the basis of an apparent Washington consensus, the reality is that the cherished friendship is no more than a fairy tale. It has been propagated by politicians to mask the suspicion - and plentiful examples of duplicity and betrayal - that have marked the relationship since Israel's founding....."

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