Saturday, September 29, 2012


By Eric Margolis

".....In short, there are a multitude of reasons for people in the Muslim world to be angry at America. And, of course, at themselves: youth unemployment and the economic, social and political backwardness of much of the Muslim world, endemic corruption and near total lack of real justice, powerlessness and hopelessness. Our so-called ally, Pakistan, offers an alarming example of a broken-down society ruled by thieving officials and above-the-law feudal landlords – sustained, of course, by Washington.

America can’t be blamed for many of the Muslim world’s wrenching social and political problems, but it is not doing enough to alleviate them. Instead, Washington clings to its overseas empire with the same tenacity as Britain’s imperialists at a time when the United Kingdom’s postwar economy lay shattered and drowning in debt. Britain could no longer afford its globe-girding empire then, and America can no longer afford its global imperium today. Both Raj’s had feet of clay."

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