Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Yemen: Troops Used Schools, Endangering Children

Armed Occupations in Capital During and After Uprising Harm Education

September 11, 2012

"Beirut) – Government forces and other armed groups deployed in schools in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, during the 2011-2012 uprising, putting students at risk and undermining education. The uprising ended the 33-year rule of President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Yemen should explicitly prohibit both government forces and non-state armed groups from occupying schools for military purposes when it endangers students, teachers, or the children’s education, Human Rights Watch said.

The 46-page report, “Classrooms in the Crosshairs: Military Use of Schools in Yemen’s Capital,” details the occupation of schools by government security forces, militias, and opposition armed groups, risking the lives and education of tens of thousands of students. Forces on both sides used schools as barracks, bases, surveillance posts, and firing positions. Combatants also stored weapons and ammunition, detained prisoners, and in some cases tortured or otherwise abused detainees on school grounds or in school buildings......"

Download the full report (PDF, 805.49 KB)

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