Monday, October 22, 2012

Syria Comment

By Joshua Landis
"This video explains to what level Syria has arrived. Syrian soldiers threaten to beat a young man as they make him chant that he loves Bashar and accepts him as God. They smile among themselves in self affirmation and mirth, as they terrify the teenager. He is cowering blindfolded against a wall. Bashar al-Assad claims his soldiers are fighting “fundamentalists” even as they impose their religion of al-Assad on terrified Syrians. The Salafis cannot be worse. This sort of video has become a trope. They have popped up with terrifying regularity since the first months of the revolution and express the ideological endgame of the regime. Assad is God."


  1. Joshua Landis is seeing the light after the past 19 months...

  2. Tony Sayegh7:50 PM

    But better late than never. His position now is certainly more progressive than many of the old guard "leftists."

  3. Anonymous2:40 AM

