Saturday, October 27, 2012

Syria fighting rages despite truce deal

Shelling reported in several areas as rebels and government forces blame each other for violations of Eid ceasefire.

"Syrian opposition activists have reported a return of heavy government bombardment in major cities, further undermining a truce intended to mark the Muslim Eid al-Adha holiday.
Activists in the eastern city of Deir al-Zor, the suburbs of Damascus and in Aleppo, where rebels hold big swathes of territory, said mortar bombs were being fired into residential areas on Saturday morning.
The bombardment came on the second day of a truce called by international envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, who had hoped to use it to build broader moves towards ending the 19-month-old conflict which the opposition says has killed an estimated 32,000 people.
Reports of violence appeared to show that both sides had violated the ceasefire after the country experienced a relative lull in fighting on the first day of Eid.
"The army began firing mortars at 7am I have counted 15 explosions in one hour and we already have two civilians killed," said Mohammed Doumany, an activist from the Damascus suburb of Douma, where pockets of rebels are based.
"I can't see any difference from before the truce and now."......"

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