Thursday, November 1, 2012

Al-Jazeera Video: Clinton's statements slammed as 'astounding' by SNC


"Speaking to Al Jazeera's Darren Jordon, Louay Safia, member of the Syrian National Council, called recent comments by Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, regarding the SNC "an astounding statement".

Though Safia admits the largely foreign-based opposition group has under-performed in some areas, he said "the secretrary will have to take some credit for that".

In response to Clinton's fears of "extremist" groups taking hold in the Syrian opposition, Safia says such groups are everywhere, but "in Syria they are very marginal".

Safia then went on to criticse US policy in Syria saying Washington is currently working on a deal with Moscow and that the Obama administration "would like to have quiet in Syria", even if that means Bashar al-Assad, Syrian president, retains some level of power."

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