Friday, November 16, 2012

Gaza - Live Updates

The Guardian


Hamas interior ministry hit

Early on Friday, 85 missiles exploded within 45 minutes in Gaza City.
One missile hit the interior ministry and another hit an empty house belonging to a senior Hamas commander.
Those strikes, together with an attack on a generator building near the home of Gaza's Hamas prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh, signaled that Israel is expanding its offensive beyond military targets.
Palestinian firefighter tries to extinguish a fire after an Israeli air strike on the building of Hamas ministry of interior in Gaza City  
A Palestinian firefighter tries to extinguish a fire after an Israeli air strike on the building of the Hamas ministry of interior in Gaza City. Photograph: Mohammed Salem/Reuters

The BBC's Middle East bureau chief, Paul Danahar, says the interior ministry was where people used to get passports, ID cards & permission for journalists to go into Gaza. He says the ministry is still on fire......"

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