Thursday, November 15, 2012

Jordan police stations attacked by gunmen during protest

One gunman killed and 13 police seriously injured as demonstrators denounce the King over rising price of fuel,
Gunmen have attacked two police stations in Jordan as demonstrators threw rocks and denounced their king over price hikes in a rare spike of violence.

One attacker was killed in the assaults, the first fatality in demonstrations in the kingdom this year. Thirteen police officers were among 17 seriously wounded in the attack in Jordan's north, police said. A police corporal was critically wounded in the second.

Two days of angry protests have threatened to push the US-allied kingdom into a wave of unrest.
King Abdullah II has so far steered his nation clear of the Arab Spring that has swept across the region, toppling the rulers of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen along the way. But Jordan's massive budget deficit and other economic woes could increasingly push the population into the opposition camp......"

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