Monday, November 26, 2012

MUST READ: Syria Embassy in Tehran told UK embassy in Minsk last week about how Gaza was secretly getting weapons from Ukraine

Link to leaked emails

The Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic with residence in Tehran, the
Islamic Republic of Iran, presents its compliments to the esteemed
Embassy of Great Britain in Minsk, Republic of Belarus and has the
honour to inform that this office in response to escalating GAZA conflict
has the honour to submit preliminary report on weapons 
that come from Ukraine and Belarus.

Since 2008 Iran is the main transit point for Palestine armament.
Ukraine 2008 arms trade operations sanctioned by The Minister of Defense
Anatoly Gritsenko and conducted over Ruslan SALIS GMBH cargoes has
become difficult to control.

The large volume of 1.2D projectiles of Ukraine origin found in Egypt
and Syria en route to GAZA delivered by Ukrainian An 124-100
aircrafts, officially transporting EC725 Helicopters cleared at ULDUS
Entry Point.

Today the crisis in GAZA formed our clear understanding that the
information is not complete, but through investigations it became clear
beyond a doubt arms smuggling across the Iranian border from neighboring
countries like Azerbaijan and the payment of funds over offshore
companies controlled by the former high rank military command of Ukraine
also come by persons abroad and now we have information about people
driving these actions outside Syria granted asylum in Belarus and

The Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic with residence in Tehran to the
Embassy of Great Britain in Minsk, Republic of Belarus, while expressing
its gratitude for the cooperation, avails itself of this opportunity to
renew to the Embassy of Great Britain in Minsk, Republic of Belarus, the
assurances of its highest consideration.

Tehran, 19th November, 2012

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for Anonymous hacking the emails and exposing the Criminal Syrian regime.

    The sectarian "resistance" camp will either deny this, or like As'ad the "lousy" Arab will claim it was fabricated by the Syrian opposition.
