Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nothing nuanced in Assad's bloody survival strategy

by Amal Hanano

During Israel's assault on Gaza last week and the continuing Assad regime assault on Syria, media biases that have been developing for months have crystallised. While the Palestinian tragedy exposed the historical mainstream media bias towards Israel, the Syrian tragedy exposed another kind of bias against Syrian people's aspirations for freedom.

This group of journalists, bloggers and social media activists have mocked the revolution while warning against the "reactionary" tendency to frame Syria as a humanitarian crisis instead of a geopolitical catastrophe. Though they are committed to drawing attention to the unrest in Bahrain, cheering any whisper of trouble in Saudi Arabia, welcoming the unfolding protests in Jordan and expressing outrage over every Palestinian death in Gaza, they continue to watch with "critical" eyes as dozens are killed in Syria every single day.Some activists, intellectuals and human-rights advocates who are defined as leftist, anti-imperialist and fiercely pro-resistance have struggled with the Syrian revolution since its inception in March 2011. After all, Bashar Al Assad inherited his father's role as the champion of Arab "resistance", even while he slaughtered his own people.

They claim that the "real" story is more nuanced than a narrative of a people simply demanding the toppling of an oppressive regime. They frame the Syrian political opposition as a western conspiracy against a sovereign nation, but fail to acknowledge the almost impossible task of forging a unified political body out of the power vacuum left by a 42-year-old regime that rules with an iron fist against dissent.

Every detail in our "official" lives was informed by the military: our drab khaki school uniforms, with our shoulder markers changing like military ranks as we passed from one grade to the next; our mandatory military training; and the Baath student organisations we were urged to join. Favoured junior Baathists were awarded bonus grades and given special opportunities. Of course, many were mukhabarat in the making.

Those of us lucky enough to avoid these traps only knew half the evil we faced everyday. We knew our government would never fight Israel and free the Golan. We knew this was Syria's role in a game of Middle East geopolitical chess: the resistors. Crocodile tears were routinely shed by the regime for Palestine while no one did anything for Palestinians, and while Palestinian refugees in Syria were treated as second-class citizens. But we did not imagine the sinister role the army would finally play.

As if ambivalent silence were not enough, abuse of the Syrian revolution reached a new low in the past weeks. Syrian photographs and videos have been mistakenly portrayed on blogs, social media, and television channels as photographs from Gaza. Sometimes the same people who claimed that images of Syrian atrocities were fabricated propaganda now pass these images off as Palestinian.
The irony that Syrian images are now used as false propaganda, after having previously been labelled as false propaganda, is stunning. Why the ambiguity, the betrayal? Why the hypocrisy?

The fact that images of Syria's dead are so easily confused with images from Gaza is evidence that not only are our people and our landscapes interchangeable, the violence is interchangeable as well. Our buildings collapse the same way from bombs falling from the sky, our dead children's bodies hang limply the same way in their weeping fathers' arms, and our mothers wail the same way as they bury yet another son. Syrians know this. As do Palestinians.

Last Friday, tens of thousands of Syrians stood in their smouldering, ruined cities and towns,

risking their lives as bullets rained down, to chant for freedom and chant for Gaza. Unlike the 

tyrant and his treacherous army, the Syrian people expressed true resistance, which does 

not come from a nationalism textbook or an empty slogan. They didn't need a nuanced 

argument to chant: Syria and Gaza are one.

1 comment:

  1. Tony Sayegh3:43 PM

    An excellent comment. I particularly like this paragraph:

    "....Syrian photographs and videos have been mistakenly portrayed on blogs, social media, and television channels as photographs from Gaza. Sometimes the same people who claimed that images of Syrian atrocities were fabricated propaganda now pass these images off as Palestinian.
    The irony that Syrian images are now used as false propaganda, after having previously been labelled as false propaganda, is stunning....."
