Thursday, November 8, 2012

Syria Live Update

The Guardian

"....Red Cross struggling to cope in Syria

The International Committee of the Red Cross says it is struggling to cope with the growing humanitarian crisis in Syria despite an increase in its operations.
Speaking at a press conference ICRC president Peter Maurer said:
We are in a situation where the humanitarian situation due to the conflict is getting worse. And despite the fact that the scope of the operation is increasing, we can't cope with the worsening of the situation.
We have a lot of blank spots, we know that no aid has been there and I can't tell you what the situation is.
Spokesman Doctor Tawfik Chamaa said:
When the regime attacks one of our medical facilities, whether it's a hospital or something else, they load up everything they can carry, and they burn the rest. They take as much as they can, and that just depends on how many soldiers they have, but most of the time they resell it on the black market......
A US-backed initiative to form a new united Syrian opposition looks to have collapsed after key opposition movements from inside the country pulled out, according to the Telegraph.

Representatives from the National Coordinating Committee, the Syrian Democratic Platform, and the Kurdish ethnic minority rejected the idea of serving on the proposed Syrian National Initiative. The Syrian National Council also voted against the proposal and the member most prominent in backing it, Riad Seif, lost his seat on the group's executive council......"

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