Sunday, December 9, 2012

Egypt crisis: Morsi's concession fails to quell anger - live updates

The Guardian

Morsi's tactics

Morsi’s decision to revoke his power decree has more to do with placating the judges and the army, than the opposition, according to Abdel-Rahman Hussein in Cairo.
The judges had threatened to boycott the referendum in protest at a decree that put Morsi above the law. Now that it has been rescinded the judges are likely to agree to supervise the ballot, which is Morsi's priority, Abdu said.
Morsi doesn’t need the declaration any more, because he has got his referendum [date] on the constitution. It will go through. That’s basically what he wanted. And he has also had time to pass through a law that grants the armed forces powers of arrest and detainment over civilians.
The new power for the army amounts to a form of martial law, Abdu said.
Soon after he said that the sound of a jet could be heard flying over Abdu's apartment. He later confirm it was a military aircraft.
Abdu disputed those who claim Morsi has handled the crisis astutely. The president is seen as inflexible and in some ways responsible for the violence outside the presidential palace, he pointed out.
He doesn’t come out of this looking good. Even if this all ends, it’s not going to help in the future. He’s come out of this looking like the president for the Muslim Brotherhood or the Islamist president, not the president of all Egyptians that he promised he would be.
Abdu said the Muslim Brotherhood’s first choice of presidential candidate, Khairat al-Shater, is seen as the man pulling the shots in the movement.
Morsi is unlikely to back down on calls for next Saturday’s referendum to be delayed, Abdu predicted. But he added: "There are protests planned for the palace today, so it’s not over yet."
The opposition’s approach to the referendum has yet to be determined. There are calls to boycott the ballot, as well hold strikes on the day. And some still want to call for the vote to be postponed. But the mostly likely opposition tactic will be calls for a no vote, Abdu said.
The outcome of the vote, if it goes ahead, is not certain despite the confidence of the Muslim Brotherhood, he added.
The army’s decision to build a wall outside the Morsi’s presidential palace is a mistake, Abdu argued.
I wouldn’t be surprise if people try to bring down this wall - like they did with the down town walls [earlier this year]. I think building a wall is a ridiculous notion. It never works......"

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