Friday, December 7, 2012

Egypt's opposition shun Morsi's offer of talks as protests swell - live updates

The Guardian


Message to Obama

Syria's chemcial weapons

The US and its allies have hired contractors to train Syrian rebels on how to secure chemical weapons, according to Syria Deeply citing diplomats and US official. 
The diplomatic sources say defence contractors hired by the US and its European allies have recently conducted training exercises with Syrian rebel forces in Turkey and Jordan. The programs were intended to prepare brigades to handle chemical weapons sites and materials they might encounter, as Assad troops lose control of over parts of the country. US contractors have also been on the ground in Syria to monitor the status of regime stockpiles, said an employee with a major US defence consultancy that has been engaged in that work ...
According to one of the diplomats, an Arab official, there are 24-hour Skype links connecting the US with rebel brigades, to enhance monitoring of chemical weapons sites on the ground. He also said there are training operations in effect in Jordan, where the US Defence Department has placed roughly 150 Army special operations soldiers to work with Jordanian troops on chemical and biological weapons security.......

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