Thursday, December 6, 2012

Following the Footsteps of Arafat: Hitmen on hold, Israelis might talk to Meshaal

"(Reuters) - Israel once tried to kill Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal in a botched assassination attempt on the streets of the Jordanian capital, Amman.

Fifteen years later, it is starting to view him in a slightly different light and Israeli analysts say he might yet prove the man who can open a dialogue between the Palestinian Islamist movement and the Jewish state.
Meshaal is due to make his first visit to the Gaza Strip on Friday for a two-day stay to join celebrations for Hamas's 25th anniversary and to take part in what the militant group says will be a victory rally after its recent conflict with Israel [It is interesting that Israel is allowing Misha'al to enter Gaza, while threatening to kill the head of Islamic Jihad if he tries to do the same. The question is why? Is there a budding romance between Hamas and Israel, nurtured by the new Pharaoh of Egypt??]......"

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