Thursday, December 13, 2012

Gameela Ismail condemns Brotherhood propaganda, calls them “killers”

By Joseph Mayton
Bikya Masr

(Cartoon by Carlos Latuff)

"CAIRO: Leading Egyptian politician and television host Gameela Ismail lashed out at the Muslim Brotherhood’s English language media service Ikhwanweb after they sent out condolences for a journalist slain in last Wednesday’s violent clashes near the presidential palace.

Ikhwanweb wrote that they wish to give condolences to al-Fagr journalist El-Housseiny Abou Deif, who was shot in the head – investigations and activists report Brotherhood supporters to be the culprits – and succumbed to those injuries on Wednesday.

Ismail angrily fought back to what has become a daily barrage of propaganda and misinformation being published by Ikhwanweb, saying, “Don’t you DARE mention Abo Deif’s name! Killing him and paying condolences?! KILLERS YOU ARE.

The Brotherhood then replied directly to Ismail, saying that “maybe u shld show sympathy to the other 10 MB victims, they’re all Egyptians. Shots killed Hussini were fired frm oppos side.”

Almost all independent investigations into the events of the palace clashes have revealed that the Brotherhood supporters were seen wielding numerous weapons and guns.

Ikhwanweb claims that those killed during the violence, which began after Brotherhood and Morsi supporters violently attacked a peaceful sit-in by activists at the palace.

At least 11 people were killed in the violence that lasted in Thursday morning last. Most of those killed were opposition activists, however, the Brotherhood has attempted to claim all the victims as their own, including a Christian man....."

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