Monday, December 24, 2012

Joy to the world: A child is born!

If the shooting in Connecticut is covered by the US press, others point out to the atrocities of the US drone attacks.

Hamid Dabashi

"I write this essay from the heart of a grief-stricken nation. On December 14, just a few days before millions of Americans were to gather under their decorated holiday trees to celebrate Christmas, 26 people - 20 innocent young students and six adults - were senselessly murdered at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, just under 80 miles or two hours' drive from Manhattan where I live and where my children go to school.
Before driving to school to perpetrate this mass murder, the killer, 20-year-old Adam Peter Lanza, killed his own mother at their home. And after he was done, Lanza killed himself.

A vastly pervasive culture of violence animates this country - from the minutest aspects of its toy and entertainment industries all the way to the militant imperialism that sustains its delusional fantasies to rule the world. A myopic vision of this horrid crime at the Sandy Hook Elementary School will leave the larger frame of reference criminally neglected. ...."

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