Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New Egypt constitution, threat to women’s rights, by Carlos Latuff


  1. Tony Sayegh11:31 AM

    I am always amazed by Carlos' creativity and productivity!

    Keep up the great work brother.

  2. HAHA Tony. Latuff is a big time Assad supporter. I have no respect for him or his talent. But this is how tolerant we are here at PP, you can post and praise his cartoons :) He is very intolerant person BTW He immediately attacks and blocks those that disagree with him on twitter especially on Syria. If it was up to him he will take back al the pseudo anti Assad cartoon he made last year.

  3. Tony Sayegh5:37 PM


    Like you, I disagree with Carlos about Assad. However, that doesn't mean I should not applaud his cartoons about Egypt, Palestine, etc.
