Sunday, December 23, 2012

Political peddlers: Vending Tunisia

Tunisians are still frustrated of the status quo while politicians act like street vendors peddling their platforms.

Larbi Sadiki

"It is a brave "new world" since Bouazizi ignited Tunisia - and literally the Arab world - two years ago. In his footsteps has emerged a new breed of vendor-like politician that hawks all kinds of creeds, ideas, myths and even hope in the political "street".

In one sense, Tunisia's political peddlers have put the cart before the horse, selling "wares" and "goods" in the absence of an overarching climate of compromise, power-sharing, and professionalism.
The missing link in all of this is the consensual culture within which politics has traditionally emerged and has been embedded. Today, the travails of transition are more concrete than any verifiable outcomes, adding to popular disillusionment across the board.

Three aspects manifest the trials and error of a still-promising transition process, though with little or no correction of course yet in sight......

Where to?

With increased misery, aimlessness, and higher youth unemployment, in parts as high as 30 percent and maybe above, the vendors of Tunisia will have hard time buying loyalty, following and trust.
Like street peddlers, politicians across the political spectrum will need more than verbal and rhetorical inducements and ornaments to embellish their parties and convince Tunisians, namely the have-nots, to participate. For, so far the return from the October 23 vote is minimal if not inexistent."

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