Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Abbas Too Weak to Make Transition from PA to Functioning State

By Hasan Afif El-Hasan
Palestine Chronicle

"......Through all his political life, Abbas has been a concessionist, a push-over and an empty suit with no back-bone. He even agreed to suppress the UN-backed report by international Judge Richard Goldstone about Israeli war crimes against the residents of Gaza Strip in 2008. Abbas revealed the low quality of his leadership and even his manhood in an interview given to an Israeli television station when he relinquished his “right of return” to his birth Palestinian town. He stated: “Palestine for me is [1967] borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. This is now and forever …. This is Palestine for me. I am a refugee but I am living in Ramallah, I believe that West Bank and Gaza is Palestine and the other parts Israel.” Amazing! Abbas has thus compromised the very core of the Palestinian struggle. His concession cannot come from an authentic leader of the ‘Nakba’ victims who had been cleansed from their homes and businesses in 490 Palestinian towns and villages by Israeli Jews. Ironically, the Jews who took over these towns and villages claim Palestine as their ‘home land’ because ‘their ancestors’ were born there thousands of years ago.

Abbas, the architect of Oslo Agreements and the endless negotiations with the Israelis that squandered the rights and hopes of the Palestinians, is too weak to make the transition from the under-occupation-PA to a functioning Palestinian state, even a non-member!"

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